Posts From Rédaction Radio BIP

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think

Hi(gh) Fi(ve)

Cool sessions radiophoniques où le spectre exploré, s’il est centré sur la great black music, s’aventure du côté des classiques comme des raretés, dans le passé et le présent, tout en tâchant d’éviter soigneusement les étiquettes. Une émission proposée par

Radio BIP a le plaisir de vous inviter au Festival Latino Corazon du 1er au 6 décembre 2014 à Besançon. On vous attend nombreux !  

Colporteurs: Les Colporteurs chantent des chansons d’ici et de plus loin, anciennes ou récentes, connues ou inconnues,et jouent la comédie, nous servent avec malice,humour et fantaisie quelques tranches de vie bien savoureuses. Compagnie Théâtre et Chanson mêlant amateurs et professionnels,