Can Keurig stop coffee pirates with cups that can't be copied?
13 avril 2015
Rédaction Radio BIP (367 articles)

Can Keurig stop coffee pirates with cups that can't be copied?

The Mathematical Symphony of Typography

As it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You “hear” it every time you read a book, newspaper, magazine, or web site—every place where typography exists. At first glance, you might think that typography and math have nothing to do with one another. After all, typography consists of letters and words, and math is…well…numbers. But the truth is, typography is a combination of artistic letterforms and mathematical proportions, an exquisite marriage of form and function.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his ad homero quodsi. Definitiones vituperatoribus mei et. Simul regione ea quo, cu vel eius scaevola, per accusata quaerendum eu. Mei at diam accusam, vel tale sint error ex, labore moderatius eos ut.

Perfecto corrumpit no sed, cu facer postea has. In eam iusto dicam, cum ut sale vituperata. Eam dignissim torquatos ne, nobis dolorum sit ut sale vituperata

Ex mucius adipiscing scripserit est, pri ut nihil maiorum invenire. Usu erat mazim altera in, tacimats regione indoctum, usu cu lorem appellantur, dissentiunt accommodare no vis. Pri prompta conclud.

Conversely, when the proportions of your typography are imbalanced, your content isn’t as attractive to readers, and your site seems cluttered and disorganized.

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Ex mucius adipiscing scripserit est, pri ut nihil maiorum invenire. Usu erat mazim altera in, tacimats regione indoctum, usu cu lorem appellantur, dissentiunt accommodare no vis. Pri prompta conclud.


3.83 out of 5
Rédaction Radio BIP

Rédaction Radio BIP